Monday, November 23, 2009

Friend Collectors! Oooohhhh!

Disclaimer: This is not about anyone in particular nor is it the opinion of NBC, CBS, ABC or any other cable news network.

Let's begin: Someone came up with the term "Friend Collector" one day on Facebook. And it got me thinking. Ok, so it took me a couple of months to think about it but that's besides the point. I like the term and I think it's quite fitting in the setting of Facebook in particular. I mean do you all really think I know Billy Dean? I have never met the man but he is my friend on Facebook. Is he ever going to be my "friend". NO, he just wants me to buy his records. Which I will do friend or not. He has a hell of a voice. So, Why is he my friend? I mean I could delete him. Do you think he reads my posts? If he is then good for him. I can't imagine he would have the time but more power to yah Billy. Anyway, this really is not about Billy Dean. It's about Friendships.

Here's how I see it: It is better to have a handful of friends you can truly count on and confide in then to have a zillion who don't really give a damn. That's the truth! It might be my truth but it's mine. So, why do we collect all these people on Facebook? Do you really want them to know every little thing about you? Do you care? Do you edit your true self on your posts or are you yourself? That's the challenge! The challenge I have for you that is. How many of those friends on your Facebook page do you really care about? I know that is a scary and loaded question. You hate to hurt any one's feelings huh? Sure, you are not human if you don't feel a little bit bad that you really don't want that person as a friend on Facebook or in "real life". But wait..... Isn't Facebook "real" life? Hum? That's a good question. For some I think it is and for others I think it's a place to brag, boast, snicker, and like looking into someones windows are night- a way to see inside someones world you will NEVER be a part of. Hum? Got yah thinking huh? You know who you are.

Some people have a Facebook account to keep up with everyone else but they never post anything. They are the stand there at night and look in the window types. Some have a page to write about everything in the world that is happening to them. Good, bad, or basically who gives a crap kind of stuff. Then there are the folks that use it as a tool perhaps for work or to find that long lost love or old pal from school they have lost track of. Some just use it instead of email. It's easier to be "Live" so all your relatives can see inside your world right now without addressing the email to a zillion people.

However, what a lot of people forget is that Facebook is a tricky little tool. Much like Email. Perception! Let's talk about that for a minute. Ones perception of the way something is worded could mean a whole different thing to someone else. You have to be careful. Unless you don't care. Then fly at her. Write whatever you want and don't worry about how it comes across. I tend to do that. I am just saying it really boils down to ones perception of things sometimes. Unless you really know your so called "friend" as human beings, we tend to judge, overreact, get our feelings hurt, think the worst or in some rare cases find the good. You all know that person. The one that always has the glass half f-ing full. UGH! Coming from someone (me) who is a true pessimist (glass is pretty much empty people) I get annoyed with these folks. Doesn't mean I don't like them. I just wonder how they do it without medication. HA! This is where communication comes in. What? Aren't we communicating on Facebook with each other? What do you think? Or do you think? Yes and No. You can hear the inflection in someones words or see the smile or grimace on someones face when they are talking to you in person. It's hard to know on Facebook or email or even the phone in somecases. AND unless you have the balls to come right out and ask for clarification if you think something is being said that is hurtful to you, then it's your own damn fault if your feelings get hurt. How do you like that big ole shot of honesty? Not an easy pill to swallow is it? It's hard to be honest. Too much risk? Not really. If more people were honest with each other we would save a hell of a lot of time worrying about mindless crap. We are all guilty of it. Non-confrontational. Don't wanna rock the boat. You know who you are. It's ok to be honest and forthright. When did that change? Wouldn't you rather have your friend tell you the truth that you do have toilet paper stuck to the bottom of your shoe or maybe those pants are not the best for your ass? I would! It might be hard to take the truth but you know they care and don't want you to look foolish. They want you to look your best and feel good about yourself because they like you. Afterall, you are their friend!

So, in closing I ask you to think about your collection of "Friends" you have on Facebook. How many of them do you really know or share a significant part of your life with. Does it matter? It's just a social networking site. It's not like it's your true feelings your posting about or is it? The next time you post a status- remember that all of those "friends" are reading it. Are you sure you want them to know that?

Oh and just so you know- I write a lot of BS on my Facebook page. But, if your my friend you already knew that. ;)



  1. Very thought provoking! Facebook definitely brings a new set of social dynamics to the table that people our age have never had to deal with before.

  2. You mean like re-living High School? LOL!!!

  3. Are you talking about me? ...if you don't realize I'm joking then I'm sorry for ya! lol

  4. I do think Belinda, you came up with Friend Collector and I must admit- you do find the good in most things. Impressive!! Again, why I am going to collect you! LOL!


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