Sunday, September 13, 2009


Hey Boys and Girls! It's time for another episode of "The Tiki Room"
Tonight's episode- HELL! Who goes and why?

Some say Hell is actually what we are living right here on Earth. Some say it's Deep down below the bowels of the earth. Haunted by a big horned Devil, in a big red chair just waiting for you to join him in his inferno. Flames licking at his feet. The song "HELL YEA" by Montgomery Gentry plays in the background. Lyrics include "Hell yea, turn it up, sounds good." But, the devils version is "Hell Yea, turn it up, the heat that is!

There's a special room in Hell. It's called the "Lava Room". Now, you have to be pretty darn special to get into that room. And I think you know who you are. The Lava Room is Hot alright. AND it's the place to be and be seen. You don't really have to be bad to go straight to the Lava room. You just have to have 'It". Much like natural talented performers. You hear people say that about Singers. They have "it". Something Special. So, if you have to go to Hell one would hope you are one of the ones with "it". Oh, don't get me wrong. It's plenty hot in the Lava Room but that doesn't matter. You are "it". You can handle any heat that anyone can throw at you. Fireballs- bring it. Explosions- Try me. Turn it up! Sounds good!

So who goes to Hell and Why? Hell if I know!



  1. I think I'd like to be in the lava ROCKS room...but that probably wouldn't be in hell. :)

  2. "And I think you know who you are." - LOL, THE LAVA ROOM!!

  3. For those who watch EASTWICK!!!


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