Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Weight Gain & Weight Loss

I always find it funny when you see someone you have not seen in a while and sometimes they ask "hey, have you lost weight?". "You look great!" You reply why yes I have knowing full well that you weigh more than you did the last time you saw them. It's just something people say to make you feel good or is it? Why is the world obsessed with weight? Can't we just be Fat and Happy?! Why can't you walk up to a long lost friend and say "Hey, your Ass is huge and I am loving it!". Or "Damn, I wish I could look as huge as you do in those pants." " You look amazing!" No harm no foul. It's all good. Why is it that now a size 12 is a plus size. REALLY?! In fact, I believe there is a reality show on T.V. and all the PLUS size girls are a 12 or larger. You have to be at least a 12 to qualify as a contestant. Again,Really?!

I like to eat to much to be worried about all this crap. I don't care if you want to weigh 300lbs. If it makes you happy then let me grab you a twinkie. It's up to you. Ultimately, we should be trying to make ourselves happy. Who the hell cares what anyone else thinks right? Wrong! We do care and that is why we worry about our weight. At least Woman do. I can't speak for men although I would like to. HA! I am joking!

SO, all that being said I just started back on Weight Watchers. I just enjoyed an egg white omelet with a side of homemade salsa, a half of bagel with garlic hummus and 1 cup of milk. YUP, that was lunch. Sure, I could have had something better, maybe. I was hungry and it was easy and it filled me up. I come from a family of lard ass'. So weight has always been an issue in my family. My Mother maybe weighs 99 pounds soaking wet. Always has been thin. Thus why I think she always harped on my sis and I to watch our weight. So, here we are still watching it. Watching it pour on! Thanks Mom!

Bottom line if it makes YOU feel better to shed a few pounds then by all means do it. But, if you like yourself the way you are then I like you that way too.

Anyone got a piece of Pound cake?



  1. WHAT?! I just (re)started Weight Watchers too!!!!!! I'm going to the Saturday 8:30am meetings!!!!! When are you going????

  2. oh and, please pass the Twinkies.

  3. No Meetings for me Molls! I do it all on-line. I started Monday. The first few days are hard until your tummy gets used to you not loading it up with FAT! HA!

  4. I am going to do it too.. but not go to meetings.. just count my points from what I kept when I did WW.. Oh.. and I need A tummy tuck HA! BOOB JOB! Lypo;)

  5. Whether I'm up or down 20 lbs., there's always comments from the women at my office! I love my food!


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